What's God's Will for My Life?

Devotions to help you find your purpose.
The uncertainty of the future often leads us to ask God about his plan. Naturally, we want to know the specifics: Where should I go to college? What should I study? Who will I marry? But sometimes we get too caught up in figuring out the details and forget that most of God's will has already been revealed…in the Bible. That's where he makes clear his purpose for us. Here are some devotions written by students who are finding his purpose.

He Wants You To Follow Him

And God spoke all these words: "I am the LORD your God. … You shall have no other gods before me. … " (Exodus 20:1-17)
By giving us the Ten Commandments, God lets us know that he isn't just some guy who sits back and says, "As long as you say you believe in me, you can do whatever you want." If we go against any of his absolute truths, it's definitely not OK with him.
What's really great about God's rules is that they make sense. We can follow the Ten Commandments knowing that they'll make our lives better.
Like the one about honoring your parents (Exodus 20:12). Life at home is a lot nicer when you obey Mom and Dad, isn't it? Or the commandment about coveting (20:17). Coveting just makes you want more and more until you're never satisfied. If you follow God's rules, you don't have to feel that way.
God really does know what's best for us. Obeying his commandments might seem frustrating sometimes, but it'll make us a lot happier in the end.
What About You?

  1. Pick a commandment you have trouble obeying. What has happened when you've chosen to disobey this rule?
  2. Read the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). Now rewrite them in your own words and tape a copy where you'll see it every day.
  3. Ask God to enable you to be obedient.

He Wants Your Heart

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. … " (Matthew 22:36-40)Sometimes being a Christian seems like it's all rules and no fun. We can get caught up in worrying about everything we do and say.
But this verse says that following the rules isn't always the same as following God. Being a Christian isn't just about our actions; it's about our attitude. Sure, we need to live by the Ten Commandments and ask for forgiveness when we sin. But the most important thing to God is what's going on in our hearts.
We can try to live perfect lives, but unless we truly love God with our whole hearts, we're not really following God. God wants us to live completely for him, not for ourselves. He wants us to follow his commandments because we love and honor him, not just because we're supposed to.
What About You?

  1. What are some things you do to try to please God? Do you do those things out of love or because you think you should?
  2. What are some ways you can show your faith to others? What are some ways you can "acknowledge" God?
  3. Pray that God will show you ways to follow him with your heart, not just your actions.
There was a time I wasn't walking with the Lord the way I should've been. I was focusing on material possessions, and making them more important than God.
This passage shows me that God wants to be the most important part of my life. Without him, the rest of my life is pretty meaningless.
The earthly things in my life won't last, but God's love lasts forever. His love needs to influence my thoughts, actions and words. God's love is real, and in the end, it's the thing that matters most.
What About You?

  1. Identify any barriers that might be keeping you from loving God wholeheartedly—an attitude, a relationship, etc.
  2. Ask God to help you let go of anything that may be competing with his place in your life.
  3. How can you show God that you want to love him with all your heart, soul and mind?

He Wants You To Be Real

For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6)


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