5 Big Lies About Sex
We've all heard 'em—the myths, the rumors, the "Are you serious?" stories. Before you start buying the big lies about sex, take a look at these.
Lie #1: Sex is no big deal.
Wrong! Sex is a huge deal. It ties two people together forever (Genesis 2:24), even if they never speak to each other again. You can't escape the memories of sharing the most intimate act of all. That's why God wants us to save sex for the person we commit our lives to—the person we marry.
Wrong! Sex is a huge deal. It ties two people together forever (Genesis 2:24), even if they never speak to each other again. You can't escape the memories of sharing the most intimate act of all. That's why God wants us to save sex for the person we commit our lives to—the person we marry.
Lie #2: You can be a "technical" virgin.
In God's eyes, staying a virgin means more than just not having sex (Matthew 5:27-28). It means keeping your mind, body, and spirit sexually pure. Messing around, touching each other in private places and doing "everything but" just don't fit into that picture.
In God's eyes, staying a virgin means more than just not having sex (Matthew 5:27-28). It means keeping your mind, body, and spirit sexually pure. Messing around, touching each other in private places and doing "everything but" just don't fit into that picture.
Lie #3: Sex equals love.
It's true, at least for many, that sex equals an emotional tie of some sort—one that might seem like love. But here's a news flash: many treat sex as more of a physical thing than an emotional one. Sex is meant to be the ultimate expression of the ultimate commitment, marriage. Love comes first, marriage second, sex third.
It's true, at least for many, that sex equals an emotional tie of some sort—one that might seem like love. But here's a news flash: many treat sex as more of a physical thing than an emotional one. Sex is meant to be the ultimate expression of the ultimate commitment, marriage. Love comes first, marriage second, sex third.
Lie #4: Having sex is just like any other sin.
God definitely forgives sexual sin the same way he forgives all sin. But the reason the Bible pays close attention to sexual sin is that sex affects people like no other sin does (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). Most sins involve mainly your actions, but premarital sex involves your heart, mind, and body as well. That kind of internal damage is very hard to get beyond.
God definitely forgives sexual sin the same way he forgives all sin. But the reason the Bible pays close attention to sexual sin is that sex affects people like no other sin does (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). Most sins involve mainly your actions, but premarital sex involves your heart, mind, and body as well. That kind of internal damage is very hard to get beyond.
Lie #5: Everybody's doing it.
So not true. In every school, every town, every state there are plenty of cool, happy people who have chosen to follow God's plan and save sex for marriage. And they're also saving themselves all kinds of heartache. So not only are they cool; they're very, very smart.
So not true. In every school, every town, every state there are plenty of cool, happy people who have chosen to follow God's plan and save sex for marriage. And they're also saving themselves all kinds of heartache. So not only are they cool; they're very, very smart.

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